Saturday, April 29, 2006

Alert to women married to a Russian: They might be cheating on you! The General Social Survey asks people is it wrong to cheat on your spouse. America has a long-standing dislike of infidelity (never mind Clinton's popularity). According to polls, Americans are more accepting of minor drug use than cheating. But let's look at how this might vary by ethnic group. Below is the percent of men who say cheating on your wife is not wrong:

USA 13.4%
1. Russians 24.0
2. Yugoslavs 23.9
3. Greeks 22.7
4. West Indians 22.3
5. Puerto Ricans 20.7
6. Spain 20.2
7. Blacks 20.1
8. Portuguese 20.0
9. Finns 18.4
10. Arabs 17.4
11. French 17.3
12. Italians 15.6
12. Chinese 15.6
14. Japanese 14.8
15. Lithuanians 14.7
16. Austrians 13.7
17. Irish 12.4
18. Scots 12.1
19. English/Welsh 12.0
20. American Indians 11.7
21. Polish 11.6
22. Czechs 11.5
23. Germans 10.9
24. Swiss 10.8
25. Hungarians 10.7
26. Danes 10.5
27. Swedes 10.3
28. Mexicans 9.5
29. Indians 9.3
30. Filipinos 8.4
31. French Canadians 8.3
31. Dutch 8.3
33. Norwegians 7.2

So, southern and eastern Europeans tend to be high, Asians are toward the middle, and northern Europeans are more often seen at the bottom. Blacks, West Indians, and Puerto Ricans are towards the top, but, strangely, Mexicans fall toward the bottom. Mexico has a long tradition of a wife and a mistress on the side, so I'm not sure why Mexican-American attitudes do not reflect this.

But this is just people talkin'. Next, I'll post their behavior.


  1. It would have been helpful if you'd clarified whether the categories you are talking about here are ethnic groups in their native country or in America. I am assuming the latter.

    "Mexicans fall toward the bottom. Mexico has a long tradition of a wife and a mistress on the side, so I'm not sure why Mexican-American attitudes do not reflect this."

    Mexicans fall toward the bottom. Mexico has a long tradition of a wife and a mistress on the side, so I'm not sure why Mexican-American attitudes do not reflect this.

    The question if you think it's wrong, not whether you do it. If it is true that Mexicans take mistresses at a higher rate than other people, all it means is that Mexicans do things they think are wrong.

  2. Yes, I should be clearer about the fact that these are Americans of various ancestries.

  3. Two things:

    1) The top two demographic determinants in the US are HIV-positive status and Russian-American nationality.

    2) Russian-Americans aren't your normal Russians. They are mainly people who were able to immigrate to the US while other Russians were trapped in Russia. In epidemic terms, they are likely akin to horizontal transmission of pathogens fleeing a host they've killed.

  4. Re mexican-americans and mistresses: the tradition tends toward the upper end of the socio-economic spectrum, while mexican immigrants tends toward the lower end. I may be wrong, but i think the mexican campesinos weren't likely to have mistresses;that may be the reason for the apparent anomaly.


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