Saturday, March 26, 2016

Why do white liberals in Red States vote for Bernie?

Why do these predominantly white Red States vote for Bernie in the primaries/caucuses? Is there a polarization that goes on? For example, in my mostly white state, about 60% vote Republican and 40% Democrat. The Republicans tend to be ordinary, religious folks. The Democrats are not religious and tend to be hipsters. I wonder if the progressives prefer the more extreme Democrat candidate because their politics are, in part, a reaction to state domination by conservatives. "I want to be the opposite of those bigoted squares," and Hillary is not a sufficiently extreme contrast. Why else would they vote so differently from their demographically similar neighbors? 


  1. Because they are too young and/ or ill informed to know the appeals of socialism are illusionary, that it is a wrong headed....even evil ideology.

  2. chris3:00 AM

    They have low v because they weren't spanked as children or engaged in contact sports in their teens.

  3. Anonymous11:43 AM

    My guess is they pick up Working Class concern from their neighbours, aren't Conservative socially, so vote for the candidate who seems to have some concern for the Working Class (not Clinton). Seems pretty simple to me.


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