Thursday, March 10, 2016

Trump is generating turnout similar to Obama in '08

Great graph. The numbers this year are similar to 2008, only with the parties reversed. Like Obama did, Trump is turning out great numbers. (I've seen evidence that Cruz is turning out some of the increase as well.)  The 2012-2016 Republican increase is amazing. And Hillary are Bernie are generating numbers almost as low as McCain and crew in 2008.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Fascinating graph, given the novelty factor in the race perhaps we shouldn't be surprised.

    Some Democrats are already looking for alternative explanations, including Voter ID leading to vote suppression. Ironically, the article almost comes out and admits that the link is tenuous as best.

    Excellent blog, BTW. You have a new reader leafing through your pages like a bowl of roasted peanuts at a bar.


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