Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The sex partner-porn correlation: positive or negative?



Is erotica used the most when a guy has no other option, or do porn and partners go hand-in-hand (pardon the pun)? The two tables above summarize General Social Survey data on whether you have seen at least one x-rated movie in the past year (y-axis) and your number of sex partners over the same time period (x-axis--0,1,2,3,4,5-10,11-20,21-100 partners from left to right). Ages range from 18 to 30. For both sexes, celibates are the least likely to view porn, and the probability peaks (or climaxes, perhaps?) for those with 5-10 partners. Single, religious folks might abstain from porn as well as sex, but there is evidence here that people vary a great deal in their sex drives. Some people seem to need very little sexual pleasure, while others can't get enough.


  1. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Surprise to note that the max % women watch porn is about the same value of minimum % men watch porn. Women do not like to watch porn?

  2. Anonymous3:45 PM

    mich -

    Women seem to prefer written erotica to visual (movies/photos) porn.

    I would imagine that most women who watch porno movies do so together with their boyfriends or husbands, thinking it'll be a form of inspiration.

  3. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Hello. And Bye.

  4. Hello friend amazing and very interesting blog about The sex partner-porn correlation: positive or negative?

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