Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Preferring the company of one's ethnic group

The study of Midlife Development in the United States (2004-06) asked 4,759 people if they prefer to be with other people of the same ethnic group. Here are the percentages who said "not at all."

White 38.8
Black 6.5*
Native American 20.0*
Asian 7.4*
Hispanic 16.2*

*significantly different from whites at the 95% confidence level

All non-white groups are more likely than whites to prefer the company of their own. Whites are six times more likely than blacks to have a non-preferential attitude.  


  1. Perhaps these trends exist this way in the U.S. because the dominant group in the U.S. are whites. Perhaps, says, in China, you'd see Chinese being the one with the largest percentage, and all the minorities (in China) having small percentages. Etc.

  2. Congrats. You've found a question that whites are more likely to lie in response to.


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