Sunday, July 30, 2006
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Blacks--mean vocab score (out of 10) and % change since 1970s
1. West North Central 5.55 (+11.0)
2. Middle Atlantic 5.38 (+10.2)
3. West South Central 5.32 (+14.4)
4. East North Central 5.28 (+9.8)
5. South Atlantic 5.00 (-11.8)
6. Pacific 4.87 (-10.8)
7. East South Central 4.68 (-16.4)
(I excluded the New England and Mountain regions because of small sample sizes.) While the WSC region has seen big improvements (TX, OK, LA, AR) the rest of the South has actually gotten worse. The Pacific region also sunk 10.8%.
Whites--mean vocab score (out of 10) and % change since 1970s
1. New England 6.86 (+2.7)
2. Pacific 6.79 (+6.0)
3. Mountain 6.71 (+7.0)
4. West North Central 6.44 (+3.5)
5. Middle Atlantic 6.39 (-3.9)
6. South Atlantic 6.38 (+12.5)
7. East North Central 6.16 (+1.0)
8. West South Central 6.15 (+2.7)
9. East South Central 5.86 (+4.6)
For whites, New England is about to lose it's first place position to either the Pacific (or even Mountain) region. California has been losing a lot of working- class whites with modest vocabs. What is intersting is that the mountain states have been absorbing many of those migrants, and yet have improved slightly more than California has. The other big gainer has been the South Atlantic which includes DE, MD, and DC, along with all the other states you would think would go in this category.
One pattern I notice is that improvement has been more consistently positive for whites across the country (albeit modest in some places) while regions have varied more for blacks. Is this due to a greater standard deviation of environments for blacks?
Another thing I see (and the data from this decade are no different from what I have seen before) is that the dumbest whites and the dumbest blacks like to live in Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi. Is it somethin' in the cookin' down there? The problem is that, according to these data, the white folks there are moving up while the black folks are slipping farther behind. But whites there better not get cocky because if current trends continue, they could get passed up by blacks from places like Nebraska and Minnesota.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Blacks--mean years of schooling
70s 10.2
80s 11.4
90s 12.3
00s 12.6
Whites--mean years of schooling
70s 11.9
80s 12.5
90s 13.3
00s 13.6
With vocab, we saw a steady improvement among blacks. We see that here too, although the rate of increase in education shrinks over time. With whites, they only saw improvements in knowledge of words between the 80s and 90s. Like blacks, their educational levels have improved every decade since the early 70s, but the biggest increase was between the 80s and 90s, the same span of time that they developed better vocabs.
In the past 3 or 4 decades, many more Americans are getting at least some college experience, and college is a place where many people hear words they rarely hear any place else--the very words that are likely to show up on a vocab test. This is especially true of blacks.
Or, something deeper is going on which has raised educational and word knowledge levels together? Have people gotten smarter, hungrier for learning because of better nutrition perhaps? This sounds more plausible if we're talking about the beginning of the century, not the end of it. Perhaps the growth of the "information society", which pushes people to stay in school and exposes them to more novel words? What do you think?
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
70s 4.59
80s 4.69
90s 4.97
00s 5.15
70s 6.17
80s 6.14
90s 6.33
00s 6.39
So we see increases for both groups, but it's larger for blacks. While whites increased 4% over the period, black averages rose 13%. One bit of evidence that this measure is not just nonsense is that we see the consistent, large gap between blacks and whites, like a guzillion IQ studies have shown. And there has been some narrowing of the gap over the period.
Now it's possible that the words got easier--I don't know if they used the same words every year, and it's too late for me to look the damn thing up. I will say that if the test got easier, then why did whites only improve between the 80s and 90s while blacks improved every decade? And why did blacks improve more? I thought as people age, they might gradually pick up more words, and while it's true that mean white age rose 2.6 years over the period, blacks dropped .4 of a year. And whites aged gradually from the early 70s until now, while their vocabs only improved between the 80s and 90s. Comments are appreciated, and maybe I'll try to see what explains the increase later.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
New England
French Canadians
Middle Atlantic
East North Central
West North Central
South Atlantic
East South Central
West South Central
(French Canadians)
A couple of points: First, it looks like there is a tendency for immigrants from wealthy European countries to go regions where there are concentrations of their co-ethnics. We know that much immigration is family-based. Second, these immigrants are gravitating to whiter regions. New England is the whitest division, and it has 3 overrepresented immigrant groups and no underrepresented ones. East North Central and Mountain regions have 2 pluses and no minuses. The increasingly non-white Pacific region has 3 underrepresented groups. So judging by European immigration, New England is the most desirable place to live in America.
Friday, July 21, 2006
1. Jews 7.65
2. Chinese 7.17
3. Lithuanians (non-Jewish) 7.12
4. Austrians (non-Jewish) 7.00
5. English/Welsh 6.85
6. Danes 6.84
7. Scots 6.72
7. Yugoslavs 6.72
9. Russians (non-Jewish) 6.71
10. Norwegians 6.65
11. Swiss 6.64
12. Swedes 6.60
13. Hungarians (non-Jewish) 6.58
13. Finns 6.58
15. Japanese 6.54
16. Czechs 6.51
17. Irish 6.42
18. Greeks 6.41
19. Italians 6.40
20. Poles (non-Jewish) 6.36
21. French 6.30
22. Germans 6.28
23. French Canadians 6.19
U.S. average 6.17
24. Portuguese 6.13
25. West Indians 6.10
26. Rumanians (non-Jewish) 6.00
26. Arabs 6.00
26. East Indians 6.00
26. Belgians 6.00
30. Dutch 5.89
31. Spain 5.73
32. Filipinos 5.27
33. American Indians 5.20
34. Blacks 5.04
35. Puerto Ricans 4.99
36. Mexicans 4.83
Jews are in a class all their own here. Compared to Mexican-Americans, they answered 60% more of the questions correctly. They inflated substantially the means of several countries, so I excluded them where they did. Whites are generally in the top half, while poor minorities, especially those who use English less at home, drop to the bottom. Mexicans might work hard at some things, but not at building up a decent vocabulary. The exceptions to this pattern are Chinese Americans who are ranked second, and the Japanese who are above average (but significantly below the Chinese). The Dutch and Belgians are white groups who rank toward the bottom. Those from Spain are even lower--there is a tendency for southern Europeans to have poor rankings.
Comparing these numbers to national IQ estimates (Lynn's work) most of the rankings are similar, but a few are strange. Japan has the highest average IQ of any nation (except for South Korea, perhaps), but does not rank so high in this list. (Of course, NE Asians are strongest on visio-spatial skills, but why then are the Chinese at the top of my list?) Studies of Belgians and the Dutch estimate IQs around 100, but the numbers here are much lower. Spain is in the high 90s, but it ranks 31st in this list. (Some Hispanics might say they are from Spain). In my list, Greek Americans are above average, but according to Lynn, Greece is in the low 90s. Of course, some differences could be explained by immigrants and their descendants being different from the average back home. This might explain how West Indians score almost the U.S. average in terms of vocabulary. My numbers seem right for Filipinos since they have low average IQs, but that fact is at odds with all my other posts which show that Filipinos are high quality immigrants.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Here are the means for freshman through seniors:
Mean "conservatism" score:
Freshman 4.47
Sophomores 3.53
Juniors 3.46
Seniors 3.40
We see here a very clear move left as one accumulates years of college. The freshman average is between moderate (4) and slightly conservative (5), while seniors are between moderate and slightly liberal (3).
I recommend that you folks do as much data analysis of your own as you can because, frankly, I don't trust social science researchers.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Share of voters
1. Germans 16.9%
2. English/Welsh 14.7
3. Irish 14.3
4. Blacks 9.4
5. Italians 5.5
6. Scots 4.2
7. American Indians 3.9
8. Mexicans 2.8
9. Poles 2.6
10. French 2.0
11. Swedes 1.8
12. Norwegians 1.9
13. Russians 1.8
14. Dutch 1.3
15. Puerto Ricans 1.1
16. Filipinos 0.6
17. Chinese 0.6
These data support Steve Sailer's argument that Mexicans nationally are still a tiny group of voters. I can't remember the last time I laid eyes on an American Indian (AI), but even their numbers are substantially larger. If Republicans want to feel multicultural, why don't they go after a larger AI vote? After all, Republicans are like Indians--they are manly and aren't whiny, they love freedom, and tobacco. Ten percent of New Mexico is AI, and that is a swing state. In 2000, 56% of AIs voted for Bush, but only 46% voted at all, so why don't they have a "get out the AI vote?"
More later....
Monday, July 17, 2006
Bush should thank lazy, illiterate liberals! I was interested in how true is the idea that Democrats lose votes because people sympathetic to their views are less likely to vote, and due to high school dropouts not voting as much. Here's the breakdown of the percent who voted in the presidential election in 2000:
Percent voting in 2000
Extremely liberal 60.2%
Liberal 61.8
Slightly liberal 67.2
Moderates 59.9
Slightly conservative 70.2
Conservative 74.2
Extremely conservative 70.5
Look at the lazy liberals! God bless 'em! (Well, maybe not in the case of Bush). They are no more likely to vote than moderates. I was told that liberals are the ones who truly care about democracy, but it's conservatives who actually behave like it's important.
Percent voting in 2000
less than high school 38.3%
high school 60.8
junior college 72.4
bachelor's 79.0
graduate degree 84.3
Wow, people with bachelor's degree (or more) are twice as likely to vote as high school dropouts. It does look like Democrats suffer a lot from liberals and illiterates not voting, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over people not casting ballots who can't spell "casting" or "ballot".
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006
A meta-analysis showing that blacks have higher rates of psychopathy: As Michael Levin has written, sometimes it sounds like the only difference between whites and blacks is IQ. I suspect it is more accurate to ask where aren't we different: |
Putative ethnic group differences in various forms of psychopathology may have important theoretical, clinical, and policy implications. Recently, it has been argued that individuals of African descent are more likely to be psychopathic than those of European descent (R. Lynn, 2002). Preliminary evidence from the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (A. Forth, D. Kosson, & R. Hare, 2003) offers some support for this contention, with Black youths rated as moderately higher (Cohen's d = .61) than White youths in a large institutional sample (n = 945). To examine this issue more exhaustively, the authors meta-analyzed adolescent psychopathy data from several studies (combined N = 2,199) and obtained a much smaller mean difference (dw = .20, p = .03), although considerable heterogeneity was evident among the effect sizes. (McKoy WK and JF Edens. 2006. J Clin Consult Psych.)
Sunday, July 09, 2006
As an aside, only 2.3% of white respondents said "very cool." Even if it is an underestimate, it is hardly supportive of the view that somewhere hidden under every white-bread suburbanite lurks a Klansman waiting to get out.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Diversity breeds violence
1. Osgood, Wayne et al. 2000. Criminology.
2. Roundtree, Pamela et al. 2000. Criminology.
3. Hoskin, Anthony. 2001. Justice Quarterly.
Consistent with the male predisposition for violence, they are more supportive of abortion on demand!

The National Organization for Women sells buttons that say, "If men got pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament." Yes, reproductive rights would be much more secure if it wasn't for misogynist men. The GSS has asked respondents since 1972 if abortion should be allowed for any reason if a women wants it. It may be difficult to see it in these graphs (men above, women below), but of the 19 years that the question was asked, women had a higher percent in favor compared to men exactly 3 times. Overall all the years, 41.2% of men support abortion on demand, versus 39.2% of women. And why wouldn't men support it more: they like sex without responsibility even more than today's women.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Political moderation shrinks as years of schooling grow

This graph shows the political orientation of people who completed various years of education. Starting from the bottom color and moving up, extreme liberals are disproportionately high school dropouts and overeducated eggheads. In addition, more years of education is accompanied by a greater share of liberals and slight liberals. Moderates are concentrated among the least educated, and are just barely the modal category among those with the most years of school. Conservatives and slight conservatives are found most often among the sensible, college-educated, but extreme conservatives are most often found among high school dropouts.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Blacks 12.8%
Whites 1.2
Others 1.6
Female 3.3%
Male 2.0
Less than high school 5.0%
Graduate 0.8
Occupational prestige
Low 4.2%
High 1.4
Low 3.2%
High 1.3
Protestant 3.7%
Catholic 1.2
Jewish 0.7
None 1.9
Yes 2.7%
No 0.5
Monday, July 03, 2006
1. East Indians 95.5
2. Filipinos 94.4
3. French Canadians 90.0
4. Poles 82.1
5. English/Welsh 80.0
6. Dutch 74.5
7. Mexicans 74.4
8. Chinese 72.2
8. Scots 72.2
10. Irish 71.9
11. Italians 70.9
12. Germans 70.8
13. Norwegians 68.0
13. American Indians 68.0
15. French 65.4
16. Puerto Ricans 59.5
17. Blacks 48.7
Brown people are at the top and bottom of this list. Very few East Indian or Filipino fathers are not married, compared to half of blacks. Clearly, paternal commitment in the black community has collapsed. It survived Jim Crow just fine, but fell like a house of cards under liberalism. Puerto Rican men also have high rates of father absence. Chinese fathers are known for devotion to their children, but perhaps life in tradition-destroying cities like San Francisco have eroded this.
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Some anti-gun people think owning a gun is a sign of some kind of mental abnormality. According to General Social Survey data, gun owners ...
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In the comments in the last post , some readers contended that Jews are not ethnocentric. Using the same question I used in the comments se...