Readers have expressed skepticism that feminists are pushing the idea that marriage is dangerous for women because of the high risk of wife battery. Here's a little visual evidence I found on the Internet.
Some anti-gun people think owning a gun is a sign of some kind of mental abnormality. According to General Social Survey data, gun owners ...
I'm not sure you understand what "evidence" means. :-)
ReplyDelete"Home is where the hurt is" is unfortunately a reality for a lot of people. Not a high percentage of people necessarily, but your discovery that at least one (I assume) woman identifies home with hurt in no way supports the idea that "feminists" (with an implied "most" or at least "a significant number of") are "pushing" the idea that marriage is dangerous.
I thought marriage was only glorified prostitution. Now there are daily beatings involved? Sounds like hard work.
ReplyDeleteFun. I dug up a lot of amazing quotes from '70s feminists and put them in this posting.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to see how nutty some feminists are, then go to Amazon.com and read reviews of books that take a less than glowing view of feminism.
ReplyDeleteHere is one "Girl Power" writing in response to Christina Hoff-Sommer's book "Who Stole Feminism?"
Hmmmm, a female published author who hates feminism. Ms. Hoff-Sommers, if it wasn't for feminism, you would be BEATEN for having written a book, BEATEN for knowing how to read and write, and BEATEN for having an education. Next time youwant to write a book, thank your sisters who DIED so you can write a book trashing all the things they did you you!
I think we can all agree with Girl Power: if Hoff-Sommer's had dared to pen a book in the pre-Gloria-Steinem days, she would have been BEATEN and might have even DIED after a particularly brutal BEATING. (How the likes of Mary Shelley ever got away with it is beyond me.) It's just a shame "Girl Power" obviously didn't read the book.
michael: Thanks, great stuff, and I would agree with your readers who claim that this stuff is now institutionalized, albeit in a softened from, in academia. It was not that long ago that I was a grad student arguing in class over whether all heterosexual sex was rape. The authors you quoted are assigned in classes on gender. Thank god, most female grads reject the extreme stuff.
ReplyDeleteFeminism's real legacy is sub-replacement birthrates and middle-aged-lonely childless-never-married-women.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 12:10:
ReplyDeleteThese women have a cat or 7. Why would they be lonely?
Jewish Atheist:
ReplyDeleteWe comment on the same blogs, and you seem like a nice guy. But what planet do you live on? Do you even know any feminists?
I remember taking a class on Shakespeare in college taught by a bitter lesbian feminist (that means YOU, PROFESSOR LEONARDI) who did nothing the entire class but discuss how marriage was an oppressive institution toward women. We read one play by Shakespeare (the name of which is escaping me at the moment) that involved a woman dressing up as a man, and it took us forever to get through it because she used every scene as a springboard for pushing her agenda. Then, we ditched the canon and had to read and "critique" (i.e. praise) the professor's own stories about a convent of lesbian nuns. I should have demanded my money back.
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Even in the most sexually liberated and self-satisfied of nations, many people still yearn to burn more, to feel ready for bedding no matter what the clock says and to desire their partner of 23 years as much as they did when their love was brand new.
The market is saturated with books on how to revive a flagging libido or spice up monotonous sex, and sex therapists say “lack of desire” is one of the most common complaints they hear from patients, particularly women.
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