Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I Wish Things Were Simple Again

Here's the nostalgic first verse of "I Wish Things Were Simple Again" by Country/Western legend Merle Haggard:
I wish things were simple like they used to be,
When cowboys rode horses, and were heroes to me.
My Mother was a lady, and my Dad was a man,
And I wish things were simple again.


  1. But societal stability is so boring...and racist.

  2. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Uh, I think it was the settlers and US Army that "killt" native Americans.

  3. "But societal stability is so boring"

    Very low societal stability in the days of cowboys. They didn't call it the Wild West for nothing.

  4. Anonymous8:38 AM

    That's what your kids will be singing. ...and their kids' kids. Your parents undoubtedly thought they were living in the end of times when there were WORLD WARS! And your grandparents were scared by flappers and suffrage. Please, who doesn't want to go back to a time before they had any experience with the real world and everything was peachy keen? When all you had to worry about was ice cream money and riding your bike?

    The idea is to take what you learn and try to help things get better as you go forward, not to continue stereotyping and (GOD FORBID) TEACHING that this is acceptable. Please, for the sake of my children, get out of the education field!

    By the way, "societal stability" was something the Native Americans had before the cowboys came and made it the "Wild West". Before it was just called "Home."

  5. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Как говорилось на мне понравился Виши с гиалуроновой кислотой ( может, так как не подделка была).Не понравился Чистая Линия.Хотела бы новый купить, но не знаю, на чем остановится-за границу 100 лет не ездила, а в Летуалях различных думаю из одной бадьи в соседнем микрорайоне разливают.Что скажите на счет LIERAK, PAYOT?От себя добавлю, что замечательное средство для ухода за кожей вокруг глаз-БЛЕФАРОГЕЛЬ, продается в аптеках (содержит гиалуронку, увлАжняет очень хорошо, быстро впитывается, не вызывает привыкания). Кто чем использует, расскажите!
    П.С. мне 32, кожа нормальная.


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