Sunday, January 25, 2009

Immigration drives some to suicide: Here's a cross-national study abstract that reports a .13% increase in suicide for each 1% increase in immigration (supposedly due to lower social integration and culture shock).


  1. That's interesting and it is even more interesting that I just ran a similar ecological correlation suite on the United States, I got the following top Pearson correlation coefficients:

    89 with -PopulationMultiple2000to2001
    65 with -ForeignBornMultiple1990to2000
    61 with -TotalFertilityRate2003
    61 with -FertilityRate2003
    59 with -ImmigrantsMexicoPercapita1998
    58 with -MalesPer100Females2000
    56 with -AdultMalesPer100AdultFemales2000
    55 with -BirthRate2003
    44 with -AgeUnder18Percentage2000
    43 with MedianAge2000
    43 with -MethamphetamineUsingPercentHighSchoolFemales2001
    42 with Age65AndOverPercentage2000
    42 with -AirTrafficNonScheduledPassengersPercapita1999
    41 with -WhiteTotalFertilityRate2002

    Now, I'm probably one of the most anti-immigration people you'll ever meet, but it's hard to imagine a more contradictory result!

    What's going on here?

  2. Of some interest here is that I just ran -ForeignBornPercapitaMultiple1990to2000 and the r went from 65 down to 40 -- not as strongly contradictory but an anti-correlation.

  3. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Could you enlighten us statistically challenged on what a Pearson correlation coefficient means?

  4. Pearson correlation coefficient is what people usually mean when they say "correlation". It's basically how well two variables (x,y) form a perfect line and whether that line has a positive or negative slope. It's basically how we know anything about the world (induction), and we know nothing of the world by pure implication.


Are gun owners mentally ill?

  Some anti-gun people think owning a gun is a sign of some kind of mental abnormality. According to General Social Survey data, gun owners ...